Well, Wednesday has come...which means...
The turnout wasn't as big as I had anticipated, so there was no need to put all the names in a hat or anything. There were 6 comments in all, (everyone got the answer right, naturally) and one didn't leave any info, so I had Edmund pick a number between one and five. The number he picked was three, so CONGRATULATIONS to Stephanie Jennings, who is our very first giveaway winner. I will be sending your gift this weekend. I really want to thank everyone else who commented, though. I plan on having another giveaway next month. Maybe with a Christmas theme? I don't know. INPUT, PLEASE!
I had all these plans for this week, which included tripping down to Grafton Street and getting a gift basket together, but I was stopped dead in my tracks early yesterday morning. I woke up before it was light (I'm not sure what time it was, maybe 5ish?) vomiting like a fiend. It went on all day, this mystery illness, and I won't go into the finer points of it or anything, but let's just say today I am happy to be upright. But nothing's getting done, okay? Let me just say that. I'll post pictures of the apartment tomorrow, where you can report me to the authorities and call Extreme Makeover: Home Edition and tell your friends with shock about the squalor I live in here. Because you know the boxes I showed you the other day? They have opened. And we have nowhere to put the things in them. Ergo, the amount of stuff in the apartment has multiplied exponentially and I am dying. I think that's why I'm sick. Dig me a hole, honey, I cain't live here no more!
oh yay! i never win prizes. thanks to edmund for picking #3. i knew he had good taste anyway. :) sorry you're feeling so sick. i left this on your facebook, but you really should have ed look into the drugstore to see if they have "Iberogast." i got food poisoning on the way to germany from awful plane food and it made life bearable again. now when the family gets sick, i force it on them. hehe. i'm going to send you an email with details about it. it's just an herbal remedy. -stephanie
PS loving the comparison between you and bob barker there. is this the 'spay and neuter your cats and dogs' bob barker, or the bob barker who beat up happy gilmore? :) - stephanie
Who is this Bob Barker fella?
28th of October When is the next installment. Is everything ok on the Emerald Isle?
whats up? whats Going on? any craic?
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