Thought I'd left ya, didn't you? Well, that's valid. But not true.
Before I start ranting, that makes me pause and appreciate all my friends who read this site. Even those friends I've never met. I appreciate you and your comments and your correspondence and even your silence. Because Lord knows that there are times you could comment, but you just keep those comments to yourself, and that's probably best too. You know, for my self-esteem.
Anyway, tonight has been a busy one: Christmas comes tomorrow. At least, it feels like it. All my things, which have been shipping from the US (and shipping, and shipping) are finally arriving in the morning. I can't even remember now, three months on, what exactly I have coming. All our wedding gifts, most of my shoes and clothes, my books, and so many little things that get lost in the shuffle. It'll be fun opening everything and remembering things I'd forgotten about. (Does that mean I didn't need them in the first place?)
We are using Mayflower for the shipping, and I have to say it's been a pretty easy process. They came to my house and packed all my things for me under my supervision--oh, and by supervision I mean we went and got doughnuts and ate them with coffee in the kitchen while the men slaved away. In our defense, we did offer them doughnuts. Then they loaded their truck, gave me a couple of things to sign, and (more or less) that was it until I got the phone call last week asking would be good for them to deliver on Tuesday at 9? I really haven't done anything at all, but for two grand that's the way I like it. It's also brought a little finality with it: there was a fleeting moment, talking to the Mayflower rep, that I thought Wait! All my stuff is here? What if I want to go back? Why did I do this again?
And then I remember why I did it.
True, irresistable, cross continental love. And when all my crap arrives in the morning, I will know that this whole move, this actual emigration, was worth it because I love my husband. And he works for it.
So, my internet connection was acting up and the pictures with this post didn't download when I was reading it. I was expecting a picture from your wedding or something sweet, and then I refreshed and found a little piece of awesome. Nice. Also, you were able to move thousands of miles for two grand? It cost me a thousand to move halfway across Texas. Shenanigans!
Ah! bless! yes it was all simple and stress free except for the filling of multiple forms and shipper profiles for custom clearence. Unusually paying was difficult too, but then they told us that all we needed to do was done in the US that is until they needed more forms etc.. for custom clearence on the UK side. It was a nightmare to be honest but that's what you gotta do for love. Hubster!!!!
haha, this was hilarious! i showed my mom, who agreed, just FYI. :) glad you have all your stuff, though i feel sorry for the unpacking! ugh -stephanie
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