Moustache, Etsy, $36
I am not lying, I saw this earlier and thought it was funny but moved on. Simply put, it costs too much. My mom would call it a rip-off. The old ladies at Belk would say, "They shorare prouda themselves, ain't they?" But I linked it because it's FUNNY. And I will pay a lot for a laugh. But the idea inspired me. And then I found these:

Mustache Pencils, $14, The Curiosity Shoppe
Yes, I realize that these are also overpriced. But say you like the mustache idea and are looking for a stocking stuffer and you have less than twenty bucks? Ta-freakin-da.
And while we're on the subject, here's another pretty cool find:

Classic mustaches, put on a mug. So fun. And in my experience, you can never have too many mugs. Am I right, people?
Shakespeare's Den, $9.95
My final suggestion here is to go to Amazon or a costume shop and put some fake mustaches in your family's stockings. If your family is anything like mine, they will be wearing them all day long and it'll be great for the pictures. For my mom's last birthday (I won't tell you how old she turned, but let's just say she gets cheaper movie tickets now) as a joke I gave her a party package of grills--you know, the gold inserts that go over your teeth and make you look ghetto fabulous? Everyone thought it was fun and experimented with them, and my brother wore one for much longer than I thought necessary. My point is, have a little fun with it. Throw some fake mustaches in some stockings and see what happens.